Parent Fees
Preschool Program
From January to December, the public rate is $ 37.60. The CWELCC is $ 17.58. Except for July and August. For July and August, the public rate is $ 46.80 and the CWELCC rate is $21.88.
JK/SK Before and After Program
From January to December, the public rate is $ 28.40 and the CWELCC rate is $ 13.28. Except for July and August, the public rate for these two months is $46.80 and the CWELCC rate is $ 21.88
School Age Before and After Program
From January to December, the public rate is $ 20.70 and for July and August is $46.80.
- School Age AM only
From January to December, the public rate is $8.62. For July and August, the public rate is $48.71
- School Age PM only
From January to December, the public rate is $18.21. For July and August, the public rate is $48.71.
Additional Fees apply to SA and Kindergarten Programs on PA days and School Holiday
- SA Before/After $ 15.00 per day
- SA After only $ 20.00 per day
- SA Before only $ 30.00 per day
- The kindergarten public rate is $15.00 CWELCC $ 7.09 per day
- Summer Camp Fees $48.71 per day (Lunch, two snacks and field trips included)
Fee Payment
Registration Fee
A one-time non-refundable administration fee of $50.00, for each child, must be submitted with the completed application. Once your child is withdrawn from the program and re-admit at another date, we consider that as new enrollment. The registration fee will be applied.
Security Deposit
There is a $200.00 refundable security deposit per child required at the time of enrolment. This amount may be applied to the last month’s fee, providing that the appropriate thirty days written notice is given.
The monthly fee is subject to change on an annual basis and a current fee schedule is available from the Executive Director. This fee is not discounted due to a child’s holidays, absence or illness. Fees must be paid on the first of the month, or as agreed to upon time of registration by the 6th of each month. Post-dated cheques are recommended.
Late Fees
Fees paid after the 7th day of the month, are subject to a $25.00 late fee charge.
NSF Cheques
In the event that a cheque is returned due to insufficient funds, the parent will be responsible to pay a replacement fee of $40.00 to Hillmount Child Care Centre.
Late Pick-up Fee
Late Fees are incurred when your child is at the centre after 6:00 pm, according to the Centre’s clock, and parents arriving after this time will be charged $1.00 per minute. This will be payable directly to the Centre Staff on duty. After three late offences a $2.00 per minute fee will be charged for the remainder of the school year (September to August). Payment must be made within 24 hours. Failure to do so will result in an additional $10.00 per day added to the late fee.
Registration Requirements
Prior to the date of admission, a medical form (including up to date immunization forms) must be completed and signed along with a registration/information form and signed policies. According to Public Health regulations, failure to provide medical information upon enrolment is just cause to withhold admission. In addition to signing a Parent Contract, each parent must sign the following policies listed in the registration package. All Information must be completed prior to admission including emergency and contact information for our files.
At the time of registration, the parent must submit the following cheques for the centre fees:
- First month’s cheque is dated the first day of the month the child is starting. Please see parent fee attachment
- Registration fee (non-refundable) dated for the date of registration package returned.
- Refundable Deposit cheque dated for the date of registration package returned.
- The remaining post-dated cheques for the school year.
Center Closures
Hillmount Child Care will be closed for the following Statutory Holidays and scheduled time periods:
- New Year’s Day
- Family Day
- Good Friday
- Easter Monday
- Victoria Day
- Canada Day
- August Civic Holiday
- Labour Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Eve (at 1:30 PM)
- Christmas Day
- Boxing Day
- Summer Closing to be determined by December for the following year
- Hilmount Childcare is also closed for the week between Christmas Day and New Year, as well as two weeks closing during the summer (to be confirmed annually).

Additional Closure Conditions
- Caretaker Lieu Day: A day may be set to closed by the Toronto District School Board In lieu of Remembrance Day for the caretakers.
- The Childcare Centre is subject to the rules and regulations of the School Board, and therefore is required to close whenever the Toronto District School Board makes the decision to close the school building. These may include:
- Closure due to job action or strike.
- Closure due to Health and Safety or other circumstances
- Closure due to weather conditions
- Under any of the above circumstances, if closure is expected to exceed five working days, every effort will be made to move the centre to an alternate suitable location, based on Ministry and City of Toronto approval.
- All decisions regarding Centre closure will be made at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Fees will not be refunded due to Centre closings.
Wait List
Hillmount Childcare Centre requires parents to provide the following information when registering on the wait list. Parent(s) names(s), Home Address, Child’s Name, Child’s DOB, intended start date and Program request, Contact number(s), Email address, Subsidy info, if applicable. There is no charge to be placed on the wait list and no obligation to enroll.
Being on the wait list does not guarantee that a child will be offered a spot within our program.
Parents may contact the Executive Director at any time to inquire about their child's wait list status and will be told what number their child is and their chances of admission. The waiting list will be made available in a manner that maintains the privacy and confidentiality of the children and family listed on it.
- Names on the wait list are accepted until the child receives a space or the parent requests to be removed from the list. New names will be added to the wait list as they are received.

- Parents will be contacted when space becomes available according to their requests on the waiting list card.
- Children’s sequence on the wait list may change according to our Registration, Enrolment Policy, priority sequence and child’s age. Children may be refused enrolment if they are not eligible.
- For Kindergarten and School Age groups, proof of registration to the school must be received before a child will be enrolled in the centre as priority is given to those children attending this school. Once all children on the wait list have been accepted, children from the community may be considered ONLY if the school is accepting them for registration or they can arrive on a bus from another location.
- Families registered on the wait list will remain on the wait list until the child is no longer eligible for enrollment or parents has requested to be removed from the wait list.
Hillmount Childcare Centre Waitlist
Our programs offer a varied menu of nutritional snacks (morning and afternoon) and lunches daily. Our lunches are catered and follow Canada’s Food Guide for Healthy eating. Weekly menus are posted in the Centre.
If your children have food allergies or medical conditions, please inform your child’s teacher so that accommodations can be made.
NOTE: Hillmount Childcare centre is a PEANUT FREE Childcare! This policy is in place to help keep the environment safe for those children, parents and/or staff who have life-threatening allergies.
Any questions?

Hillmount Childcare Address
245 McNicoll Avenue
North York, Ontario, M2H 2C6
Office Hours
Monday – Friday
7:30 am – 6:00 pm
Phone & E-mail
Tel: (416) 494-0877 Fax: (416)494-0866
[email protected]